About Climb Smart

Climb Smart 2024



December 6-8, 2024

ClimbSmart is the largest gathering of climbers at Joshua Tree, and is owned and managed by Friends Of Joshua Tree (501 c3, founded 1991). Now in its 29th year, this event kicks off the climbing season in Joshua Tree with education and stewardship as the primary pillars, as well as the chance to give back to our Park and those who actively conserve it. Over 300 attendees are anticipated every year, and the mix of climbers represents a unique blend of new entrants to the sport and old-school traditionalists. Partners in anchoring the Climb Smart presentations include the National Park Service, top athletes, native tribes of the region and local legends. Learn More about Climb Smart below, or register for Climb Smart 2024 HERE. (registration opens in June, 2024).  

Climb Smart is a 3-day event, running all day Friday through Sunday on a special weekend in the Fall each year. Special mini-clinics run by working guides at Joshua Tree National Park offer introduction and refresher content in 2 or 3 session tracks, as well as managed toprope climbing for those who simply want to try their skills on the quartz monzonite stone. Each evening a catered dinner is provided and a stage show delivers entertainment, inspiration and more education in multimedia format. We always have great brand sponsors and local and regional retailers as well as a killer raffle. The attendee of Climb Smart will leave more experienced, better networked, psyched for climbing and likely with some swag items too.

One of the unique offerings at Climb Smart is working with professional climbing guides in mini-clinic format which allows for getting to know several different organizations, style differences, and consistencies between climbing schools. In the end, all of the guide organizations invited to participate in Climb Smart are top shelf, longstanding professional outfits permitted by the Park and have strong reputations in the climbing community.

It’s VERY IMPORTANT to realize that the clinics at Climb Smart are NOT full course days with guides and instructional outfits. The clinics at Climb Smart are designed to be an introductory experience of a topic (or refresher experience), in order to facilitate a climber’s decision to move forward in the various disciplines of climbing. It’s one of the great values of the event, but also important to not convey a sense of overconfidence with skills. Practice takes many days/weeks/months, and an introductory experience can help set the table for a lifetime of safe, informed and adventurous climbing outdoors.

ClimbSmart 2024 Flyer 

Track Descriptions


  • Climb SmartSpecific Clinic Information- these mini-clinics (3 hours) are regularly featured at Climb Smart events. These aren’t the entirety of our offering each year, but answer many questions about exactly what is involved. All clinics are ground school (taught at the crag, but not at height) UNLESS it is managed topropes or specifically labeled Advanced or At Height.
  • Introduction to Systems for Climbing – for the beginner outdoor climber; we will discuss systems that keep climbers safe like toprope setups, sport climbing vs. trad climbing, objective hazards in the outdoors, belaying, and good partner protocols for those exploring the world of trad climbing.
  • Knots and Placing Protection– in this clinic we go over the essential knots for climbing, and the fundamentals of assessing gear placements leading to reliable anchor-building. This is a hands-on clinic where there will be lots of practice tying specific climbing knots and assessing quality gear placements in rock.
  • Anchor Clinic – this clinic reviews gear placement techniques and moves to connecting placements into a Solid, Equalized, Redundant, Non-Extending, and  Efficient toprope or mid-wall anchor.
  • Managed Toprope Climbing – toprope set and managed by certified guides to enable registered attendees to climb a variety of climbs in Joshua Tree, on belay with tested belayers. Sign up for this to get the most climbing in during Climb Smart. 
  • Multi-Pitch techniques– Multi-pitch climbing involves more advanced routefinding, approach, and overall backcountry-relevant trad climbing skills. Learn the fundamentals of rope and gear management while en route, efficient movement and belay tactics, descending and decision-making tactics.
  • Self-Rescue techniques– For those experienced in basic single pitch climbing and belaying techniques, or those who want to refresh Self-rescue techniques. Scenarios like going hands-free, Escaping a belay, raising and lowering a partner, and specific friction knots that facilitate self-rescue.
  • Women’s Climbing Clinic– for those identifying as female, a women’s specific clinic allows for more focused and intimate discussion and targeted learning. This clinic does involve climbing at height, and integrates aspects of the above topics. Be prepared to share space with folks of all experience groups, including rank beginners. 
  • Big Wall/Aid Climbing techniques– aid climbing requires specific gear, techniques, and a lot of patience and stamina on either end of the rope. This clinic is an introduction to aiding techniques and gear, as well as some practice with aid placement practice and gear usage.
  • Bouldering Tour– tour around a section of Joshua Tree National Park and put your bouldering skills to the test with a senior guide and/or pro athlete. Climbing at height.
  • Adaptive Climbing – learn about techniques that allow people of all abilities to practice climbing and gain the skills and experience of a lifetime. Whether hearing impairment or paraplegia, anyone can learn to climb. Especially good for those who want to (or already do) teach climbing to others. 
  • SPECIAL TOUR! Joshua Tree Climbing Origins Tour – Explore the legendary sites and experience the Stonemaster and Desert Rats antics of yore! 10am-3pm in Hidden Valley area of the Park (led by Todd and Donette Swain). This tour happens in the upper Park and is not located in Indian Cove, where the rest of Climb Smart is happening.
  • First Aid Considerations For Climbers – Climbers need particular items in a First Aid Kit depending on where and how they climb, as well as training to support field assessment, transport and dressing/treatment. Also included… What’s In Your Pack?

In addition to the clinic topics above, you will have the opportunity to learn about:

  • Specific high desert ecosystem challenges
  • Leave No Trace and Recreate Responsibly practices
  • Local Climbing Ethics
  • Expertise as campers, hikers, wildlife biologists, and climbers visiting wild lands.
Climb Smart


  • Climb Smart includes stewardship projects, in partnership with Joshua Tree National Park, that advance healthy ecosystems and minimize damage to sensitive high desert soils, flora and fauna.
  • Giving back to our wonderful Park by caring for all of its inhabitants is a primary mission of FOJT.
Climb Smart


  • Meet like-minded climbers in and around your region
  • Learn about retailers and rock gym programs to transition from sport to trad
  • Meet working guides who can help you get to the next level no matter where you are on the climbing spectrum.